
Nutrient Results

By Dan Corrigan   ∙   March 16, 2020   ∙   0 Comments

The concentration of fat-soluble nutrients depends on several biological factors, including the size of the fish and the amount of oil contained in the liver. There are also seasonal variations related to the spawning cycle of the fish, climatic conditions, plankton, and other conditions affecting the codfish. Because Rosita® Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil (EVCLO) is a completely unrefined & unprocessed wholefood, the concentration of nutrients will always vary from batch to batch.

The Nutrient Results (fat-soluble vitamins, sterols & fatty acids) shown below represent typical values and ranges which have been obtained from analytical testing at the institutes named above:

Vitamin A (Retinol) Analysis

Sample ID:  Wild & Raw EVCLO

mcg/tsp1: 1100

* Above values calculated from analysis performed at a number of European testing institutes (named above). Each testing institute analysis has been performed in duplicate.

Vitamin A2 (3,4-Dehydroretinol) Analysis

Sample ID:  Wild & Raw EVCLO

mg/kg:  > = 0.1

* > = Greater Than or Equal To Above values calculated from analysis performed at a number of European testing institutes (named above), and each testing institute analyses has been performed in duplicate.

Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) Analysis #

Sample ID:  Wild & Raw EVCLO

mcg/tsp1: 9

* Above values calculated from analysis performed at a number of European testing institutes (named above). Each testing institute analysis has been performed in duplicate.

# The vitamin D in Wild & Raw EVCLO is the same form of vitamin D that yourbody produces when exposed to sunlight and the only form found in significant quantities in unrefined fish liver oils.

Ratio Vitamins A:D3

Sample ID:  Wild & Raw EVCLO

Ratio: Typically less than 10:1


Sterol Content

Cholesterol mg/Kg: 4044-5245

Brassicasterol (Phytosterol) mg/Kg: 40.4

* Above values calculated from analysis performed at a number of European testing institutes (named above). Each testing institute analysis has been performed in duplicate.

Vitamin E (Alpha-Tocopherol) Analysis

Sample ID:  Wild & Raw EVCLO

mg/tsp: 3.7-10

* Above values calculated from analysis performed at a number of European testing institutes (named above). Each testing institute analysis has been performed in duplicate.


Fatty Acid Content

Wild & Raw EVCLO contains a wide spectrum of fatty acids including omega 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11 etc. The test data for select fatty acids of the total lipid content are shown below. Levels of other fatty acids not shown are available on request.

Select Fatty Acid Composition of Total Lipid from Rosita® Cod Liver Oil

Sample ID:  Wild & Raw EVCLO

20:5n-3 (EPA) mg/tsp:  510

22:6n-3 (DHA) mg/tsp:  700

18:1n-9 (Oleic acid) mg/tsp:  1200

20:1n-9 (Gadoleic acid)* mg/tsp:  660

22:1n-11 (Cetoleic acid)* mg/tsp:  375

Fatty acids, Sum of Omega 6 Calc. mg/tsp:  160

Fatty acids, Sum of Omega 3 Calc. mg/tsp:  1460

Unidentified fatty acids mg/tsp:  240



Sample ID:  Wild & Raw EVCLO

DHA/EPA ratio:  1:1 – 1.3:1

Omega 6/Omega 3 Ratio:  0.11



1Vitamin testing is not performed on each batch and may vary from batch to batch, and from season to season. The vitamins are all naturally occurring; nothing is added or destroyed during production.

∆This ratio is a very good indicator of genuine Northern hemisphere cod liver oil.