
Nutrient Results

By Dan Corrigan   ∙   October 09, 2020   ∙   0 Comments

Nutrient data from independent analytical testing

Our oil contains a wide spectrum of naturally occurring fatty acids, fat-soluble nutrients, antioxidants and naturally occurring biologically active alkylglycerol lipids.

A serving based on 10 drops/0.5 ml provides these naturally occurring nutrients (values quoted are minimum values):

  • Vitamin D3: Approximately 475 IU (for 1 teaspoon = 4,750 IU).
  • Vitamin A: This fat-soluble vitamin has been harder to accurately measure and the testing institute states that this is likely because of the unusual lipid composition of our ratfish oil.
  • Vitamin E: 0.22 mg
  • Vitamin K2: Testing for K2 in marine oils is not yet accurate so we have not tested for this vitamin.
  • Whole range of fatty acids: Omegas 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, etc.
  • Total n-3 PUFA: 27 mg
  • EPA: 12.2 mg
  • DHA: 8 mg
  • Total n-6 PUFA: 11 mg
  • Phytosterols: Campesterol, stigmasterol and ∆5-avenasterol
  • Alkylglycerols: Value range 14.4% to 30%. Ratfish liver oil has a very unusual lipid composition because it is an exceptional source of rare biological lipids called alkylglycerols. 

This is a 100% unprocessed oil and so nutrient levels will vary from harvest to harvest, in accordance with natural seasonal and geographic variations. We will never add or take anything away from our oils. The levels are what you would find present in the oil of a "living" wild fish liver.